Mail Analytics Suite

  • Mail analytics and insights

    Retrieve valuable intelligence from your email sendouts to make your next mailing even more successful.

  • Great reports

    Create great looking reports for your boss or your clients. They will be amazed.

  • Mail Quick Polls

    Run votes through your emails. Quick and easy to setup, hassle-free single-click input from your users. Valuable statistics.

  • ... and more!

    The list of new features is growing steadily.


Beta test program

We are presently running the „Mail Analytics Suite“ in a closed and private beta.

If you are interested in participating in our beta testing, simply [ws_obfuscate_email class=“textlink“ address=“ed.ygetartsbew@ateb-sloot-liam“ text=“drop us an email“ subject=“I would like to participate in the Mail Analytics Suite Beta Test“] or use our contact form (in German), we will get you started.